Wooo! The first batch of I Love You Water is now completed.
We did an amazing meditation ceremony and placed our masculine and feminine energy and love into this batch.

We played classical music for 3 days at 3-4hours a day.

We featured our first bottles at a vending event and made 15 bottles this batch.

At the vending event we sold 4 bottles!
Have a look at the event from our booth.

We are currently working on our shopping cart for online purchases as well.
It is so exciting to be able to share the knowledge of water to everyone. We have forgotten how important it is to say thank you for water.

Jose was kind enough to help run the booth for awhile until I could finish teaching my classes.

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The next day I brought a bottle to my yoga teachers training graduation to share it with my classmates. Here is a photo of the ceremony.

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Thank you Jose, Water, and Dr Masaru Emoto!

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