
Well the past few days have been pretty amazing 🙂
Another bottle has been sold to an amazing brother!



Then over the weekend I went to the yellow green farmers market to get some organics…
I decided to bring 2 bottles of I Love You Water to give to my friend Monkey Man who has a farm and grows sun flower sprouts, wheat grass and other amazing things 🙂

I gave him the two bottles and he is going to be performing an experiment on three different waters with the same controlled environment. One of tap water, one the current water he is using, and one of the I Love You Water. We will see the results of this experiment to see how it goes !




Lastly, I was invited to go to this sacred well called ” Well of Ancient Mysteries”.
It is a well found in the heart of brickell which seemly looks like the only house there.
In this place a man by the name of Ishmaeil  dug up his entire back yard to find old ruins and an alter, and a never ending stream of fresh water. I tasted the water and it tastes completely pure. I brought home some samples to play with and test the water ph levels and mineral content.
Possibly going forward i may be using this water. As it comes directly from pachamama!

It is said that this was the well Ponce de leon was after, there have been many ceremonies on his property by many tribes of native americans to pay homage to the sacred land.
I come to find out that the Colombians are actually water keepers and it turns out I am half colombian. I found this to be incredibly coincidental…but we all know what coincidences are :).

I was told by Sophie and Ishmael I am the new water keeper for this area. I am ready for this honor.

I performed some offerings to the fire at the alter for it to  accept me as a water keeper.
You can find more information of this place by going to:


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